Google Photos Icon Png

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Download free google plus logo png images. If you like, you can download pictures in icon format or directly in png image format. To created add 32 pieces, transparent GOOGLE PLUS LOGO images of your project files with the background cleaned. Download Google Photos Icon Google+ icon pack High quality free Google Photos icons. Become a member. Login to your account. Forgot Password? Community; news; submit icons. Download.PNG icons in size: 256x256 px. Google Docs colorful. Google Earth. Google Plus ribbon. Google, photos Icon in Papirus Apps Find the perfect icon for Your Project and download them in SVG, PNG, ICO or ICNS, its Free!

An overview of material icons—where to get them and how to integrate them with your projects.

Material design system icons are simple, modern, friendly, and sometimesquirky. Each icon is created using our design guidelines to depict in simpleand minimal forms the universal concepts used commonly throughout a UI.Ensuring readability and clarity at both large and small sizes, these iconshave been optimized for beautiful display on all common platforms and displayresolutions.

See the full set of material design icons in the Material Icons Library.

The icons are available in several formats and are suitable for different typesof projects and platforms, for developers in their apps, and for designers intheir mockups or prototypes.


We have made these icons available for you to incorporate them into yourproducts under the Apache License Version 2.0. Feel free to remix and re-share these icons and documentation in yourproducts. We'd love attribution in your app's about screen, but it's not required. The only thing we ask is that you not re-sellthe icons themselves.

Browsing and downloading individual icons

The complete set of material icons are available on the material icon library. The icons are available for download in SVG or PNGs, formats that aresuitable for web, Android, and iOS projects or for inclusion in any designertools.

Downloading everything

Grab the latest stable zip archive (~60MB) of all icons or the bleeding-edge version from master.

Git Repository

The material icons are available from the git repository which contains the complete set of icons including all the various formats weare making available.

Installing icons from bower

Install the icons using the Bower package manager.

Installing icons from npm

Install the icons using npm package manager.

The material icon font is the easiest way to incorporate material icons withweb projects. We have packaged all the material icons into a single font thattakes advantage of the typographic rendering capabilities of modern browsers sothat web developers can easily incorporate these icons with only a few lines ofcode.

Using the font is not only the most convenient method, but it is efficient andlooks great:

  • 900+ icons all from a single, small file.
  • Served from Google Web Font servers or can be self hosted.
  • Supported by all modern web browsers.
  • Colored, sized and positioned entirely with CSS.
  • Vector-based: Looks great at any scale, retina displays, low-dpi displayscreens.

The icon font weighs in at only 42KB in its smallest woff2 format and 56KB in standard woff format.By comparison, the SVG files compressed with gzip will generally be around 62KB in size, but thiscan be reduced considerably by compiling only the icons you need into a single SVG file with symbolsprites.

Setup Method 1. Using via Google Web Fonts

The easiest way to set up icon fonts for use in any web page is through Google Web Fonts. All you need to do is include a single line of HTML:

Similar to other Google Web Fonts, the correct CSS will be served to activate the'Material Icons' font specific to the browser.An additional CSS class will be declared called .material-icons.Any element that uses this class will have the correct CSS to render these icons from the web font.

Setup Method 2. Self hosting

For those looking to self host the web font, some additional setup is necessary.Host the icon font in a location, for example and add thefollowing CSS rule:

In addition, the CSS rules for rendering the icon will need to be declared torender the font properly. These rules are normally served as part of the GoogleWeb Font stylesheet, but will need to be included manually in your projects whenself-hosting the font:

Using the icons in HTML

It’s easy to incorporate icons into your web page. Here’s a small example:


This example uses a typographic feature calledligatures, which allowsrendering of an icon glyph simply by using its textual name. The replacement isdone automatically by the web browser and provides more readable code than theequivalent numeric character reference.

This feature is supported in most modern browsers on both desktop and mobiledevices.

BrowserVersion supporting ligatures
Google Chrome11
Mozilla Firefox3.5
Apple Safari5
Microsoft IE10
Apple MobileSafariiOS 4.2
Android Browser3.0

For browsers that do not support ligatures, fall back to specifying the iconsusing numeric character references like the example below:


Find both the icon names and codepoints on the material icons library by selecting any icon and opening the icon font panel. A codepoints index is also available on our git repository which shows the complete set of namesand character codes.

Styling icons in material design

These icons were designed to follow the material design guidelines and they look best when using the recommended icon sizes and colors. The styles below make it easy to apply our recommended sizes, colors, and activity states.


Although the icons in the font can be scaled to any size, in accordance with material design icons guidelines, we recommend them to be shown in either 18, 24, 36 or 48px. The default being24px.

CSS rules for the standard material design sizing guidelines:

Material icons look best at 24px, but if an icon needs to be displayed in analternative size, using the above CSS rules can help:


Use Google Sign-In with the basic profile or email scopes and incorporate the following standard buttons in your mobile or web app:

StyleButtonsImage Files

Includes sign-In buttons in PNG, SVG, EPS, and Sketch formats, in many resolutions. Includes base, hover and press states.


Sketch, SVG, and EPS files are included in the download so you can translate the 'Sign in with' or 'Sign in' text. These files require the Roboto font.

If you request additional scopes, do so with incremental authorization (Android, iOS, web), only prompting the user for authorization as they begin to interact with a feature that requires API access.

If you request YouTube scopes, use a YouTube button.

If you use Google Play games services, also see the Google Play games services branding guidelines.

Google Sign-In and other third party sign-in options

Equal prominence

The Google Sign-In button must be displayed at least as prominently as other third party sign-in options. For example, buttons should be approximately the same size and have similar visual weight.

Matching your own app's style

Using the standard Google Sign-In button is strongly recommended as it enables Google users to more quickly identify the Google option. If you need to to adapt the button to match your app design or translate the text 'Sign in with' or 'Sign in', follow these guidelines.


You can scale the button as needed for different devices and screen sizes, but you must preserve the aspect ratio so that the Google logo is not stretched.


To encourage users to click the button, we recommend the call-to-action text 'Sign in with Google' or 'Sign up with Google'. It should be clear to the user that they are signing in to your app or signing up for your app with their Google credentials, not signing up or registering for a Google account on your app.

'Google' Text

You can use the word 'Google' by itself in the button if it is accompanied by adjacent text that makes it clear what the action is. For example:

Sign in with:


The color for an unpressed light button is #FFFFFF (white). The color for an unpressed dark (blue) button is #4285F4. The button background can be either blue or white, but the button must always include the standard color Google 'G' on a white tile.



The button font is Roboto Medium, a TrueType font. To install, first download the Roboto font and unzip the download bundle. On Mac, just double-click Roboto-Medium.ttf, then click 'Install Font'. On Windows, drag the file to 'My Computer' > 'Windows' > 'Fonts' folder. Do not use other fonts on the button, except as noted for situations with Matching your own app's style.

Google Photos Icon Png Black And White

For websites that use a custom sign-in button, you can load the Roboto font from Google Fonts.

Google Icons Download


The padding to the left (and right) of the text should be 8dp. The logo should be 18dp, and there should be 24dp between the logo and the button text.

Google logo in the 'Sign in with Google' button

Regardless of the text, you can't change the size or color of the Google 'G' logo. It must be the standard color version and appear on a white background. If you need to create your own custom size Google logo, start with any of the logo sizes included in the download bundle.

Incorrect button design

Do not use the Google icon or logo by itself without the button boundary and without text to indicate the user action.
Do not use a Google icon by itself to represent Google Sign-In.
Do not use dark or light versions of the Google 'G'.
Do not put the standard color Google 'G' icon on a colored background.
Do not create your own icon for the button.
Do not use the term 'Google' by itself in the button without an accompanying Google icon.

Use of Google brands in ways not expressly covered by this document is not allowed without prior written consent from Google (see the Guidelines for Third Party Use of Google Brand Features for more information).