Change Language Of Document Powerpoint Reddit
How to change language of Excel Online via OneDrive? Find anything in Settings to change the default language (Default language for Outlook is English (United. The easy way to compress your PowerPoint files. First, simply choose an image (any one will do) to edit with PowerPoint Picture Tools (all you have to do is double-click the image to open this view). Next, select the Compress Pictures option to the left of the tool bar.
I received a PowerPoint presentation with dozens of slides, each of them with a number of text boxes. Although the presentation is written in English, the language for spell checking is set to Canadian French. I’m trying to change the language to English, but even if I select all the slides and select a new element on the Language dialog box, the language of the text boxes remain the same. So I have to go slide by slide selecting the text boxes and then changing the language individually.
Is there a better way to do this?
The version of PowerPoint I have installed is 2002 SP3.
Tamara Wijsman6 Answers
I know an answer has been accepted already (which I gave +1 to since it works and is well written), but to some people the idea of creating, saving, using a macro may be too scary (or they may have security settings in place that make this hard to achieve).So an easier solution is to use normal built-in functionality to do this. The trick is to be able to select all the objects on all the slides at once, rather than the slides themselves, and this is easily achieved in the Outline view (sadly an underused feature, but great for reorganising a slide deck, promoting and demoting whole chunks, eg bullets > new slides or vice versa).
I don't have PowerPoint 2002 ('XP') so I am not sure if you need to follow instructions for 2000 or for 2003 so I cover both here:
- In PP 2000: Go to the outline view, which is the second icon from the left at the bottom left of the screen (looks like lines with indentations).
- In PP 2003 onwards: Go to the 'normal' view (three pane layout) and at the top of the slide navigator choose 'outline' rather than 'slides'
In older versions, make sure you have the Outlining toolbar visible (View >Toolbars >Outlining) and click the Expand all button (later versions let you get at this through right click).
- Ctrl-A to select all.
- Tools >Language > Choose your language to set.
- (from Powerpoint 2013) REVIEW >Language > Set Proofing language
Job done.
Likewise while you have everything selected you can change other things like fonts, colours etc. Although of course in many case this is better done by changing the slide master, a presentation that has had many editors may have lots of 'hard' formatting set which deviates from the underlying master and needs resetting to be consistent. You can also reset individual slides to the master style, but this may result in placeholders moving as well, which may be undesirable in some situations.
This thread contains the answer that worked for me.
The steps I followed were:
- Create a new macro:
1.1. Go to Tools, Macro, Visual Basic Editor.
1.2. Insert a new empty module by selecting Insert, Module. Paste this code on the right panel and save the macro:
can be replaced by any desired language. The full list of languages can be found here.Execute the macro (by pressing F5 within the editor, or by selecting Tools, Macro, Macros, ChangeSpellCheckingLanguage, and clicking Run).
After that all text elements within the presentation will have the new spelling language.
LeonardoLeonardoAfter many presentations where I did it by hand or used a one-off macro, I finally broke and made it into a proper PowerPoint Add-In.
I've uploaded it to my web site: PowerPoint LanguageFixer
It takes care of:
- setting the default language
- all shapes with text frames
- text frames in grouped shapes (as far as possible)
- text in tables
- stuff on the slide/note/handout master
Just set one of the text boxes to the language you want, select it and click the button.
Here are two options depending on your situation:
Situation 1: The originating copy of Office was installed from a Canadian French language based install media.
You will be able to set the default language to English, but core functions will use the native language of the installation media.
The only fix is to uninstall the Canadian French version, and install from an English-based install media or copy/paste the entire presentation to a new doc and re-format.
Situation 2: Everything seems to be English, but in limited circumstances foreign languages appear.
In this situation, here are repair instructions for Office 2002:
- Click the Start menu
- Point to Programs
- Point to Microsoft Office Tools
- Click Microsoft Office XP Language Settings.
- Click the Enabled Languages tab.
- Go to the Default version of Microsoft Office box
- Select the language you want
- Click OK. A message will appear telling you what changes will be made.
- Click Continue
I hope this helps.
I've had the same problems with presentations made with German PowerPoint and being manually translated into English. The problem is that the language setting is essentially a formatting which is applied to each text box element on its own.
I am not aware of any convenient solution -- I have had to either live with the mismatch or manually changing the language 'format' of each individual text box on each slide. Not fun, so mostly I live with it.
Torben Gundtofte-BruunTorben Gundtofte-BruunThe code posted by Leonardo is simple and generally effective, but it will not affect Shape
s in groups.A more generic code uses recursion to deal with that case too (slightly changed from here, which is in the same thread as the code by Leonardo):
protected by BinaryMisfitOct 28 '10 at 16:42
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Although this thread is pretty old, Microsoft has provided no solution that I know of. I suggest another approach for Mac users: open your presentation in Keynote, change the spelling language and possibly edit your whole presentation, then export it to PowerPoint.
Dave M8 Answers
To change the language of the entire PowerPoint easily, open the View tab and select the Outline view.
Now press
- Ctrl+A to select all.
- Tools → Language → Choose your language to set.
Likewise while you have everything selected you can change other things like fonts, colours etc. Although of course in many case this is better done by changing the slide master, a presentation that has had many editors may have lots of 'hard' formatting set which deviates from the underlying master and needs resetting to be consistent. You can also reset individual slides to the master style, but this may result in placeholders moving as well, which may be undesirable in some situations.
PowerPoint 2013
- View → Outline → select all slides (in a left menu) via Ctrl+A.
- Review → Language → Set Proofing Language... → Choose your language to set.
As for me - PowerPoint restart was needed. Probably because I also did changed Editing Language:
- Review → Language → Set Proofing Language... → Language Preferences → Choose Editing Languages.
Using Powerpoint 2010 I opened the Outline menu -
Selected all text (Ctrl+A), opened the language menu and set my proofing language
And it worked!
The language menu is located on the Review ribbon tab (after the Slide Show tab and not visible on the screenshot).
random♦The existing answers work for text that is present in the outline. Unfortunately in my case this didn't cover a significant part of the text, including figures, tables, etc.
This macro solved the problem for me :
The 'msoLanguageIDEnglishUS' which is used in the above macro can be replaced by any desired language. The full list of languages can be found in this article
(Credit goes to Ganesh Kumar who posted the original macro here. I added support for first level of shape grouping. To further improve it the macro can be made recursive to look for groups which contain other groups, etc.)
Tobias KienzlerI improved upon Inigo's answer to provide a recursive version that changes all items to the desired language.
This version will recursively investigate each shape that is a group type. Some experimentation suggests that msoGroup
and msoSmartArt
are the group types - feel free to add to that list if you find other types of shapes that can hold text objects.
Based on Inigo, Duncan, Maria and DomDev's answers, this works for shapes, tables, groups, SmartArt, now and in the future:
The version of Duncan works well for everything but tables.I found another code which seems to also work with tables:
In addition to answer provided by Mastergalen and to address comments regarding newly type text:
If you will notice, that language will automatically change back whenever you start to type new text (which is very annoying), you have to change current default language for PowerPoint:
Change Language Of Document Powerpoint Reddit Online
- make sure PowerPoint window is an active window
- in the
Windows Taskbar
(yes, actually not in PowerPoint), check ifLanguage bar
is visible,- if not go to
Control Panel > Region and Language > Keyboards and Languages
. ClickChange keybords...
, switch toLanguage bar
tab and checkDocked in the taskbar
option. (this is from Win7, so might be a bit different in other versions).
- if not go to
- now key action - in the
Language bar
in the taskbar, click language code and switch to EN (if you want currently to use English in PowerPoint). From now on, all new text in PowerPoint will be in the selected language :-) - if you want write in your original language, just change it back.
I made an add-in back in 2014 for myself which still works fine in PowerPoint 2016.
It scans for used languages, and allows you to change all at once, looping over.
protected by Community♦May 25 '14 at 22:07
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